Saturday, January 18, 2014

Vocab Notebook 2

So, my method for learning the great number of words for the second PC actually changed a little bit. For the first PC I created a word doc and wrote all the vocabulary in a spreadsheet. I discovered that I memorize unfamiliar words better when I write them down in my book, so I did this. There were about 400 vocabulary in total so, in order to manage writing all those out, I already started to do so during Christmas break. I worked with four different websites that helped me out a great deal:,, and I wrote down every single unfamiliar word in my vocab book along with its explanation, synonyms, antonyms and some example sentences too. I also used the vocab list on, as it enables me to test myself whether I learned something or not. I focused on the 'hard' words first, as they are the more tricky ones. As the pronunciation of those words where extremely important for this part of the PC, I actually studied the phonetic alphabet and wrote every single word I wasn't sure of how to pronounce in phonetic script. I also worked with the "spelling bee" on, to make sure that I memorized the pronunciation. Unfortunately I could not save my progress with the spelling bee on so I had to start over and over again, which was a little bit annoying. All in all, I will definitely continue to write vocabulary down as my experience has appeared to be the best way of memorizing unfamiliar words.

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