Monday, April 22, 2013

Today is Earth Day!

Each year on April 22 one of the most important days of the year is celebrated - the Earth Day. This day is seen as one of the most participatory political actions in the nation's history and is also considered as the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970 (when the first Earth Day took place). Since then Earth Day has spread across the globe with thousands of events in more than 190 countries. It is now celebrated by more than a billion people every year. 

Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson, who was inspired by the student anti-war movement. On the 22nd of April 20 million Americans demonstrated for a healthy, sustainable environment. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. The Earth Day was launched by Denis Hayes, who took it international in 1990 and organized events in more than 140 nations. This event was supposed to be an action which changes human behavior and provokes policy changes. More and more groups, that campaigned for the environment in the world, suddenly realized that they shared common values.
"Earth Day is a commitment to make life better, not just bigger and faster," according to the organizer of the first celebration. "It is a day to re-examine the ethic of individual progress at mankind's expense."

Every time I see a program or documentary about our planet I get goose bumps. Our earth is so beautiful, breathtaking and overwhelming and humans are obliged to protect mother nature. We have to save the world. The natural beauty of landscape can be preserved, it's not too late. We are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal. Together we can make a difference!

Earth Day by year with links to the websites

  • Billion Acts of Green - Official Earth Day Network's "Billion Acts of Green" website for students and young adults
  • A Billion Act of Green - "A people-powered campaign to generate a billion acts of environmental service and advocacy"

This is the official website from the organization Earth Day
Here you can donate, for instance, and support EDN's work with 22,000 organizations in 192 countries. 

This is the link where you can find information about climate change:

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