Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eat clean, train mean, stay lean!

Fitness motivation

Hey guys :)

Since I am going to the fitness center I am interested in everything that has to do with sports, workouts and being happy and healthy.

In order to get your "dream body" you have to know that nothing can change without hard work. I know that spending, let's say, two hours daily in a fitness center seems to be much, but when thinking twice about it you will realize that if you would not go, you will certainly do other unimportant stuff at home. In addition to that, if you go to the gym three times a week it is enough to stay fit. 
People have always excuses not to work out. "I'm too tired from work/school", "I'm too busy, I'll do it tomorrow". Have you ever heard the quote 'Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today?' You always can find at least 30 minutes to do a quick work out, can't you? You don't even have to go to gym to stay fit, it's easy to do some exercises at home. And if you don't know how to do them or which exercises you have to do, you can always research the web. There are a bunch of tutorials on a lot of websites that show and explain how to do workouts for special parts of your body. 

If you are not motivated - find motivation! I am very motivated at the moment so maybe I can help you? :D
Who is ready to get started? Who is ready to do something productive with their life, ready to achieve and make a difference? 
Your mind is your strongest tool, not your body, not the gym, not your supplements, but your mind. If you want to change, it all starts with the thought in your mind!

To achieve something you have to work for it. Hard work pays off!
You only have one life, are you going to be like the majority of the population and only dream or are you going to make it reality? Learn discipline and the value of hard work and you will never forget it! People will look up to you, but most importantly, you will be happy, healthy and confident. You will be proud of what you have achieved. We all have greatness within, but it's up to you to unlock it. Always remember - believe you can and you are halfway there! ;)